From Darkness to Dreams: A Poignant Tale of Loss, Welcome, and the Cry for a Free Palestine by Dr Farrukh Anwar


It was dark and bleak,

You knocked.

We opened our doors wide.

There you stood trembling,

From hunger and fear shivering. 

Having lost your land and love, 

From having no roof above. 

Terror writ large on your faces,

In pain, left only with traces. 

Vacant eyes with no dreams,

You had no smiles, only screams!

We hugged and welcomed you,

You got a foothold and grew. 

You were happy and warm  again,

Your forgot your persecution and pain.

You flourished, but your branches became tentacles,

They suffocated, smothered and hurt like hell!

Here we stand trembling,

From hunger and fear, shivering. 

Having lost most of our land and love, 

From Having no roof above. 

Terror writ large on our faces,

In pain, Left only with traces. 

Not a crumb to eat, not a drop to drink,

We know not how many are left from our kith and kin. 

What flows here are rivers of blood,

What blows here are clouds of dust. 

Not buildings but homes you have destroyed, 

Unborn babies, dreams unrealised. 

Flowers nipped in the bud, 

Sounds muffled before they could be heard! 

We witness vacant eyes and screams,

We have no smiles, only dreams!

Dreams of a free Palestine, 

Once again, we shall grow and shine! ✊

In sha Allah

Author: Dr Farrukh Anwar

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